I have decided that even if it is silly, I want to do one of those blog pass along things. It seems does seem kind of silly, but after reading this post I am going to do a 8 things about me blurb. Since this is a new blog I think this is a good opportunity for some of you to get to know me. The photo by the way, is a self portrait of my husband Andy and I. It is one of my favorite photos of the two of us, taken on the fourth of July four or so years ago. Happy reading.
1. My first real job was as a dishwasher. I worked in a tiny trendy cafe out in the middle of the woods. It was the best job I ever had.
2. I was a tomboy growing up. I loved snakes, bugs, and everything crawly. I still do for the most part-except spiders in the bedroom-creepy!
3. I have wanted to try hot cocoa with chile powder in it ever since I watched Chocolate years ago. I secretly wanted Johnny Depp to share it with me too, but now I have Andy, and he's better.
4. Every year I set out to put up tiny white lights all over the trees in our front yard. Maybe this will be the year!
5. I loved ice skating when I was young. I was even lucky enough to live somewhere that had frozen ponds.
6. I love drinking water and prefer it to any other drink. This time of year, I do occasionally drink hot drinks like tea or white hot chocolate.
7. I take my daughter out for bagels and hot chocolate at least once a week. We have fun visiting with our friends, and I don't have to cook!
8. I love to bake. This time of year I could easily gain 15 pounds. When I go to holiday cookie swap parties, I wish I could just take my own cookies home because they are so darn good!! Haha!
Well that's it folks-eight random things about me. If you feel like joining in please do, and let me know so I can learn more about you too!