So, I haven't been posting very regularly-thanks to anyone who is still reading my blog! My beloved Canon is sick, and has to be shipped off today to be repaired. I have been using Andy's camera, which used to be mine. I don't know how I ever used it-it is slow, colors are not good, and it is not an SLR. Oh Rebel, I love and miss you.
On to brighter things, Ava had a birthday recently. We took her to Red Robin because I knew she would love to have everyone sing to her, and bring her ice cream. She did-smiles all around. I have realized that she is not a baby anymore, and I have been desperately searching for toddler carriers to wear her in before I can't carry her anymore. Silly me!
It really feels like Spring here-Ava and I went for a long walk today, and enjoyed the birds and flowers popping up here and there. I have been quite sick for what seems like a full week, and it felt good to crawl out of my cave. The sun is a splendid thing, and I'm feeling much better now.
I'm off to ship the camera-look forward to more photos soon. I might give in a post some of the pics I have been taking with "the other" camera. I feel like I'm cheating on Rebel. You are my favorite Rebel....really.