Hello, it’s me. Yep, still here.
The promise of Spring, with warmer days here and there has been keeping us quite busy. We have had a few outings lately, and last weekend was busy in particular. Sit back, and I’ll tell you about it-backwards.
I’m starting with Sunday because I really love the photos I got at the reservoir near our house, and wanted them to top the post. So, Sunday early eve, we headed up the road to our local reservoir to let Ava try out her new fishing pole. In the absence of loads of teens and hoards of children, I was able to see and remember how breathtaking it could be. The water was calm (not the best for fishing) and the sun was glowing.
Andy got Ava set up with her pole and discussed the proper way to fish-really funny. We had her attention with it for like five minutes, which I think is pretty good for a two year old. She liked reeling in the line the best, which is not conducive to catching a fish-oh well.
On Sunday morning, we took Ava to AgFest. I thought the booths were ok, but just ok. What was really fun for Ava (and her animal obsessed mama) was to see all of the farm animals. We giggled with goats, cuddled with chickens, and bonded with Roscoe the bunny-who was trying to stay out of the photo. It was great farm fun!
Saturday afternoon, Ava and I headed out to see my friend Jenny, and Ava’s friend Mads for a birthday party. Ava had fun playing with all new toys, and Mads looked divine in her mama made birthday dress. The food was fabulous, and the conversation even better. I made this dress for Mads, and had Ava model it before we went. I think it turned out well-nice and Springy.
So anyway, the weekend was fun, photos were taken, animals petted, and good food was eaten. It gave me a glimpse of what summer weekends will be like-filled with lots of activities. I can hardly believe we packed even this many things into one weekend. It’s a good thing we get sunny weather along with Summer, to help us make it through!