Well, it's official, I am going to be working very part time for a super new fabric shoppe/swing lounge right here in my bitty home town. To start things off right, I joined my new boss Celia at the International Quilt Market in Portland, Oregon. I had a blast looking at all of the wonderful fabrics, and meeting some the best women in the fabric/pattern/crafty design world.
I was thrilled to first meet Sandi Henderson who has some of the most adorable patterns and fabrics. She was very mellow, and her husband was charming and funny. Here is a quick photo with my phone-not the best I know, but it was my spy cam. There is Sandi, her lovely fabrics, and Celia pondering which patterns to order for the shop-we ordered them all, of course!

I also chatted for a second with Heather Bailey, who was as cute in person as she is on paper. The fabrics were all to die for, and I was able to see some things that aren't out yet. Oliver and S had the best booth, with paper dolls to take home to the little ones (or for yourself). Their new Fall line was shown in all of it's splendid cuteness-and it will be offered in sizes up to 8!
I can't remember all of my favorites, but I certainly loved the refreshingly adorable Anna Maria Horner. As many of you know, her fabrics are to die for, and she was very, very sweet-a favorite among my party.
Finally, we were sure to stop at the Seven Islands booth-Celia about passed out from the amazing prints they had. It took everything I had not to buy ten bolts of Japanese goodness, including Echino which I have long loved. I'll leave you with a photo of the Echino display-sorry it's blurry, a lady bumped me as I was snapping it. You can get the idea though.